Friday, October 28, 2005

Sunday, October 23, 2005

SLAPS Spaying and Neutering Clinic

The current spaying and neutering clinic run by the St Lucia Animal Protection Society (SLAPS) with International Veterinary Assistance Inc. began yesterday. These are held two or three times a year in an attempt to cut down on the number of stray cats and dogs on the island. SLAPS has one paid office worker but is otherwise run entirely by volunteers. These people help with fund-raising, cleaning out cages and feeding and ferrying dogs and cats all over the island to and from the clinic.

Volunteers come in all shapes and sizes. Here are Bil and Ken.

There is no charge but owners are asked to make a donation of whatever they can afford (minimum $5 - about £1 - per animal) to cover costs. The vets come from all over the world, the ones in our pictures are from the UK. They pay their own air fare and receive free bed and board but nothing else.

These flew in from England on Friday afternoon, set up their equipment on Saturday morning and were operating from mid-day until gone 6 pm without a break apart from a quick snack.

The facilities are primitive compared with those in more developed countries but the island dogs and cats are hardy. Soluble stitches, a shot of antibiotic and home the same evening or next day. Post-op infections virtually never happen and the animals recover quickly.

Funds are desperately needed to run the clinics, publicise them and provide for the other work of SLAPS - rescuing, caring for and re-homing stray animals and raising public awareness in how to care for pet animals. If anyone would like to make a donation, email me and I'll tell you how you can do it.

A turning off the main Castries - Rodney Bay takes you up a track like this.

At the top is .......

..... the SLAPS offices, a rented house in Bois d'Orange close to Rodney Bay in the north of the island.
My car is the little 4 x 4 with its door open. I usually park at the bottom of the track and walk up unless I have animals to deliver or take home.
This is Elaine, who more or less runs the show, with Rodnina (white), SLAPS resident dog. She was found as a stray in Rodney Bay but couldn't be called 'Rodney' because she's a girl.

Also in the picture is Ginger, who was spayed yesterday before going to her new home.

This was taken on the balcony outside the office.

The balcony outside is Rodnina's personal space. You can just see her blue Director's Chair in the corner.

This is the office. The dog trap on the floor was used as a temporary 'bed' for Ginger last night whilst she recovered from her operation, because she was a bit poorly.

There are cages outside for dogs awaiting and recovering from surgery.....

And more cages for the cats inside.

This is the twin table 'operating theatre' - note blocks under desk legs.

Asepsis? What's that?

Neither of the operating tables are out of use for more than a few minutes once the vets get going.

This is a dog castration .......

... and one of the cats from Forestiere having his lecherous intentions removed.

And here are some happy dogs going home!