It was wonderful to see Ian and Renate Mathers who came for a week 'on their way home' from a holiday in Canada and the States. They were perfect guests, even mopping up puppy puddles if they saw them before I did and I hope complications over their journey home won't stop them coming again for longer. I must have said something provocative just before I snapped this!
I 'splashed' out and bought some poolside furniture. This pic is actually like those estate agents' white lies as the view across from the table is of a long line of blue tarpaulin. If we put the table at the shallow end of the pool, with a view towards Mt. Gimie, anyone sitting there would be soaked by Lukas launching himself into the pool or shaking when he comes out! The other night Pat, Julius, Merphi and I sat out here with the pool lights on - like fairyland! I now know how to switch the lights on - thanks, Pat!
Although Lukas seems to be Lazarus's role model, Fifi is a combination of playmate and surrogate Mum. Their play sometimes looks rough but Fifi always seems to know how far to go - it isn't that long, after all, since she had pups of her own. I've never heard Laz squeal or cry during their playtimes. He also likes to lie beside her on the front drive, soaking up the sun.