Thursday, July 27, 2006

Au Revoir Reverend Torchon

Last Sunday saw the last service in Forestiere of our wonderful minister, Marcus Torchon. A collection had been taken for him and his family (my contribution was a cheque drawn on my English bank account) and during the service members of the congregation queued up to offer personal gifts and tokens of appreciation.

He is being sent to England - to the Wirral - and, knowing the difficulties I found in adapting to the way of life here, I am concerned that he will find the British people cold and unfriendly. He asked me if he were likely to encounter racism and I had to say yes. However he also told me that his new parish contains a large number of West Indians, so he will be among friends.

He has promised to come back to St Lucia, and asked us all to keep a spare bedroom ready for him and his family when they return. No problem there!

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