Monday, October 06, 2008

Sue and The Beanstalks

You may (nor not) remember that when Malcolm was here in May we visited the little organic farm at Latille Waterfall. Michael, the young man who showed us round, gave me some beans - the seeds, not the green things - and told me they were Wing Beans.

Malcolm had come across these in northern Africa but not within the Caribbean and I'd never heard of them. Michael was rather cagey when I asked him where he'd got them from so maybe they were brought in illegally.

When we got home I looked them up on the internet. Above is one of the pictures I downloaded. They originate from Papua, New Guinea, and are one of nature's wonder foods as every part of them is edible. They are also easy to cultivate as they need no fertiliser, instead putting nourishment back into the soil.

One of the things that is difficult to obtain here is a supply of fresh, green veg. that are not ludicrously expensive because they are imported. So this seemed like a good way of providing myself with something that a) would be good for me and b) I would enjoy.

I started the beans off in those seed trays divided like ice cubes - can't remember what you call them - then potted on and finally put them in the garden. My biggest fear was that the dogs would dig them up, or that the male dogs would wee on them and kill them, so I surrounded both wigwams with chicken wire.

Amazingly (to me!) they flourished and I have so far had two servings of them. Next year I shall plant more!


Robbie said...
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Robbie said...
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Robbie said...

Fascinating. I would like to sow some of my own.